Rooted and Grounded

Here it is again! That all too familiar feeling of insecurity, of feeling unloved, of not being connected with the one I love the most. I know that feeling and can now recognize it when it sneaks up on me—the desire to whine, to manipulate schedules, subtle or not so subtle hints that I am … Continue reading Rooted and Grounded

More and More At Home

The red couch where I like to meet with God On my most recent trip I visited a country where there are temples everywhere, elaborate, gilded temples where one expects to meet with God. But he isn't there. From Acts 17:24 we know that the Lord of heaven and earth does not live in temples built by … Continue reading More and More At Home

Unlimited Resources

I am tired. My soul is weary from nearly two months of grieving, traveling, being out of routine, engaging with lots of people (I am an introvert after all), hosting guests, not enough time with my spouse or by myself and facing even more upheaval in the weeks ahead. I am not complaining for this … Continue reading Unlimited Resources

Named by God

The Apostle Paul identifies the One to whom he is praying: [The Father] from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named. Ephesians 3:15 My name is Eva Maureen Dubert Burkholder. I was named after my aunt. While Aunt E got the shortened form, I never had a nick name. Eva means "life or … Continue reading Named by God

Let Us Kneel

When I was a lonely freshman at Baylor University, I found a wonderful church filled with even more wonderful people. I can't remember how I actually found this church. I think it was because the advertisement on campus said they would come and pick up students. I was a new to the USA. My parents were … Continue reading Let Us Kneel