A Light to the Ends of the Earth

Around sixty years ago, my parents sailed (literally) from the US to the ends of the earth—the island nation of Papua New Guinea. They did this because they understood that God offers salvation to everyone and they wanted to give God’s Word to some who might otherwise never hear. Likewise, my husband and I answered the same call thirty years after my parents did, moving to Indonesia to share this good news. We understood that God planned from the very beginning to save all peoples, not just the Israelites.

Balance and the Center of Biblical Tension

My seminary president, Robertson McQuilkin, drilled into me a profound maxim: “It seems easier to go to a consistent extreme than to stay at the center of biblical tension.” More recently, this same concept was reiterated by my Bible study teacher, JoAnn Hummel: “You and others will benefit as you “hold the rope” of tension in the Scriptures.” The prophet Isaiah offers us many opportunities to put this guiding principle into practice since his writing contains much tension.

The Servant, Our Savior and Example

As I write this, Easter is just around the corner. Since I gave my life to Jesus some 50 plus years ago I struggle at times to revel in my Savior and how he saved me. This year, Isaiah is helping me rekindle that wonder while also showing me how to live.

The Lord Bares His Strong Arm

I love WWII posters depicting Rosie the Riveter baring her strong arm. I applaud the women who rolled up their sleeves and got to work to help the troops on the front lines. Isaiah also refers to God way. He previously used the metaphor of his righteous right hand. Now he speaks about the arm of the Lord.

Our Burden-Bearing God

What burdens are you carrying today? An ill child? Financial need? Deteriorating health? Diminishing capacity? Loneliness? Indecision? Losing someone you love? Failed mentors? Injustice? Growth of wickedness? Isaiah warns that trusting in anything other than God will only increase those burdens making them even more burdensome.

There is No Other God

If repetition is an effective teaching tool, God, through Isaiah, is a master! Ten times in the span of four chapters, Isaiah pounds into our awareness: There is no other God but Yahweh.

This Idol I’m Holding in My Right Hand Is a Lie

Living in Indonesia brought me face to face with idols for the first time. Actual idols—carved manmade images of gods with bulging eyes, giant teeth, bulbous stomachs—grotesque, scary creatures stationed inside and outside homes and temples. Artwork, dances, colorful depictions of gods, gods, and more gods. Idol worship is indeed alive and well in the world.

God Won’t Break a Bruised Reed nor Snuff Out a Smoldering Wick

Feeling bruised, battered, bent? Like a fragile reed? Feeling useless and discarded? Like a smoking wick about to go out? Jesus—the Servant—will not break you. He will not cast you aside.