God’s Righteous Right Hand Calms Fear

According to a popular Bible app, the most highlighted, bookmarked, and shared verse in the Bible for the past three years is Isaiah 41:10. In context, it reads: But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, you descendants of Abraham my friend, I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, “You are my servant”; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Wait On the Lord for Renewed Strength

Have you ever complained to God, as the people of Judah did when they were exiled in a foreign land? I have. Isaiah’s answer is: Behold your God. Wait on him for renewed strength.

Comfort My People

Isaiah's tone, message, and focus change drastically at this juncture in his writing. After repeatedly warning about the impending consequences of their disobedience and pleading for repentance, Isaiah now looks into the future when the forecasted exile of Judah is almost over. Instead of harsh judgment, he offers comfort by speaking tenderly—“to the heart”—reassuring that sin has been paid for and redemption has come.

Advent 2024 Fourth Sunday: Prince of Peace

My Advent ponderings this year are inspired by my recent study of Isaiah and one of the most beloved descriptions of the character of the Messiah. The first Sunday, I pondered wonderful counselor. Next mighty God on the second Sunday. Then everlasting father. Finally Isaiah describes this one-who-would-reign-on-David’s-throne as the PRINCE OF PEACE.

Advent 2023 Second Sunday: Mighty God

My Advent ponderings are inspired by my recent study of Isaiah and one of the most beloved descriptions of the character of the Messiah. The first Sunday, I pondered WONDERFUL COUNSELOR. Isaiah next describes this Son-given-to-us as the MIGHTY GOD.

Advent 2023 First Sunday: Wonderful Counselor

My Advent ponderings this year are inspired by my recent study of Isaiah and one of the most beloved descriptions of the character of the Messiah. We begin with "Wonderful Counselor."

Principles for Processing Judgment in Isaiah

When I began my study of Isaiah several months ago, I quickly became uncomfortable. This reaction surprised me because previously I've found this book to be comforting and encouraging. But this time it seemed all judgment and punishment. So I began to investigate how to process difficult passages of God’s judgment.

Righteousness and Justice in Isaiah

A major theme in Isaiah's message is righteousness and justice. These concepts bear studying because they mean different things to Isaiah than they do to us in the western, modern world. Furthermore, our Christian subculture associates righteousness with personal morality and justice with social political action. This is not how the Bible portrays them.