A Liturgy After Times of Intense Ministry

Lord God, I’m so weary. 
I feel like I could cry but not sure what about. 
I’ve run a sprint and I need to pause. Rest. Reset.

It felt like a successful sprint. 
I reached my goals. I survived.
I served. I taught. I empathized and encouraged.
I adapted. I pivoted. 
I listened a lot. I prayed incessantly.
I invited co-workers into rest.

I heard hard stories and 
know that some aren’t doing as well 
as I’d like them to. 
I made recommendations. 
I shared resources. 
I nudged toward restoration
and gave the gift of presence.

I  also laughed heartily, 
soaked in the beauty of your creation, 
witnessed your healing and reconciliation,
saw them relax and breathe deep, 
find solutions and next steps.
You enabled me to serve well. And I am grateful.

But now I’m tired and depleted.
And I must regroup and keep going. 

And I can only do so much. 
I cannot make them change 
(that’s your job, Lord).
I cannot dictate transformation. 
They have to do the next thing. 
They have to step up and take care of themselves.

I cannot carry all their burdens. 
So, I give them to you, Jesus, I let them go.
For now, I “file away” their stuff. 
I ask you to take them from my crowded heart 
and look after them for me. 

You alone go with each one. 
You alone know their deepest issues, 
even the ones they did not divulge. 
You know the true state of their soul—
the level of fatigue, isolation, 
and spiritual drought they experience. 

I release these dear ones into your care. 
Holy Spirit, speak to them, teach them, 
counsel, and pursue them. 

For those in transition, bring clarity to chaos. 
For those grieving, comfort broken hearts. 
For those exhausted, renew their body and soul. 
For those who feel they have failed, remind them of your grace and perfect love. 
For those facing an uncertain future, light the way. 
Where I proved inadequate and my counsel feeble, add your truth. 
Remove anything I said that wasn’t helpful. 

As you continue to minister to those I ministered to, minister to me as well. 
I meet with you in quiet solitude and strengthen myself in you1. 
I release the burdens shared with me
To you, my ultimate burden bearer, 
my consummate counselor, 
my advocate and comforter.

Replenish my soul. Strengthen my body.
Pour life and joy into my heart. 
May my life-giving activities truly restore.
My recreation truly re-create,
My sleep truly refresh.

You promise to give energy to those 
who are tired and worn out; you say that I will wake refreshed from my sleep2.
I call on you and you answer me; 
you increase my strength of soul3.
I rely on your mighty power4. 

So that I might do the next thing—
In your power, by your strength,
With a full heart,
Eager to serve and minister once again.

1 1 Sam 30:6; 2 Jer 31:25-26; 3 Ps 138:3; 4 Eph 6:10 

3 thoughts on “A Liturgy After Times of Intense Ministry

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