The Lord Bares His Strong Arm

I love WWII posters depicting Rosie the Riveter baring her strong arm. I applaud the women who rolled up their sleeves and got to work to help the troops on the front lines. Isaiah also refers to God way. He previously used the metaphor of his righteous right hand. Now he speaks about the arm of the Lord.

Prayer for Partners in the New Year

As we enter the new year, Mark and I want to pray for you—our partners—since you so faithfully pray for us:

A Liturgy After Times of Intense Ministry

I'm concluding about eight weeks of intense ministry that came on the heels of a book launch by practicing what I preach—taking time to rest and rejuvenate. This prayer was born only after three days of vegging out, catching up on household chores, and sleeping long hours. In a quiet coffee shop, I was finally able to put words to my feelings.

A Liturgy for Travel Woes

My recent overseas travel was a good reminder of what global workers (or anyone who travel a lot) frequently experience.

A Life With God

Since my word for 2023 is with, I enthusiastically dove into "With: Reimagining the way you relate to God" by Skye Jethani. The author’s thesis is, "Our true selves cannot be discovered by living under, over, from, or for God. It is something that will be revealed when we are fully with God."

Wise Words From My Mom

My mom was a keeper (pun intended). She kept documents, notes, calendars, prayer letters, cards—anything she thought important. On this thirteen anniversary of her graduation to glory, I share some of my mother’s wise words.

Be Faith-Filled Followers of Jesus, Not Formula Seekers

On February 22, 2022, I had the honor of giving a message for the Tuesday Morning Bible Study at my church on Matthew chapters 8 and 9. Here is a written version of my message or you may watch the video.